The value chain in the semiconductor industry is moving fast upwards with customers expecting innovation & solutions they can build upon rather than pure functionality. This drives high level integration of semiconductor components combined with advanced packaging technologies and firmware integration. As a result the system complexity is significantly increased. A popular example is sensor integration for IOT applications with high performance processors, multi stack packaging on small scale footprint modules combined with connectivity to the cloud. The production is done often from fabless companies using manufacturing services from a complex global supply chain. Marginalities and low quality occurs when technology capabilities and integration concepts are not fully matched with the mission profile of the final application. The consequences are time consuming analysis for improvements, last minute changes, and a costly delay to the market entry. Your system has an unknown risk and makes the customers worried.
“Your system has an unknown risk and makes the customers worried.”
My approach is a systematic analysis along the supply chain with an application view for finding the weakest spots and identifying the most feasible improvement. I do this based on my long experience in several global companies from positions in development, production, technology transfer and quality in industries ranging from consumer to mobile, industrial and automotive. My core competence is building a bridge between customer expectations and the world of complex semiconductor devices and technologies.
“My core competence is building a bridge between customer expectations and the world of complex semiconductor devices and technologies.” Dr. Joerg Dreybrodt